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What Kind Of Ship Is Longship In Dmg 5e

카테고리 없음

by dustlapiocie1987 2021. 4. 27. 16:38


What are things that can be added or modified on a ship to make it more usefull to a group of adventurers. I'm saying any ship can be made to be able to fly based on either what its made of or different spells or gear.
Ship... ........Cost............Speed...

Sailing ships have one mangonel (DMG, ch. 8) attached to the deck. Warships have two mangonels ( DMG, ch. Each weapon has 10 mangonel stones stacked and secured near it. May 05, 2015  This ship, also called a round ship, hugs the coastline as it carries its trade goods. It has two masts and triangular sails. These ships also possess a small sterncastle that provides limited shelter from the worst of weather conditions. Cog This vessel is an improved version of the cargo ship. It has a single mast supporting a square sail.

Crew...Passengers...Cargo (tons)
Galley.........30,000 gp....Ship4 mph....80 ...........-................150
Carvel........20,000 gp.....4 mph....4............20..............100
Keelboat ...3,000 gp........1 mph...2..............6.................1
Longship...10,000 gp.....3 mph...40...........150.............10

What Kind Of Ship Is Longship In Dmg 5e Free

Raft ............20 gp............1 mph...1 ............10...............1
Rowboat ....50 gp..........1 ½ mph..1 ............3................½
Sailing ship.10,000 gp...2 mph.....20 .........20..............100
Warship .....25,000 gp....2 ½ mph..60.........60.............200
Ship ...........AC...HP....Damage Threshold...Decks.
Galley.........15...500 ....20...............................2.
Carvel.........13..300 ....15................................2.
Keelboat....15...100 ....10................................1.
Longship....15...300 ...15................................1.
Raft ...........11....50 .......-..................................-.
Rowboaĺlt...11....50 ......-..................................-.
Sailing ship.15...300 ...15...............................1.
Warship .....15...300 ...20................................3.
  • Extra decks
    • Full deck
    • Half deck
    • Quarter deck
  • Skis
  • Wings
  • Sleeker design (extra speed)
  • Extra propulsion
  • Changing space
    • Less cargo, more cots
    • Less cots, more cargo
    • Separate passenger cabins
    • Luxury (comfotable) cabins
    • Secret storage
  • Expand ship size
  • Galley
  • Brig
  • Flight
  • Submerging
    • Watertight “lid”
    • Windows (large)
    • Windows (small)
    • Hatch (person)
    • Door (vessel)
  • Ramming
  • Boarding/anti boarding
  • Weapon slots
  • Extra armor and hp

Propulsion methods
  • Sails
  • Oars
  • Waterwheel/rudders (earth elemental, gnome invention)
  • Air or water elemental with jet
  • Enchantment; whole ship or part
  • Haunting

What Kind Of Ship Is Longship In Dmg 5e 1

Flight methods
  • Baloons (gas, fire, air or fire elemental)
  • Drift-wood
  • Air or water elemental with jet
  • Enchantment; whole ship or part
  • Haunting

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This 75-foot-long ship with forty oars requires a total crew of 50. It has a single mast and a square sail, and it can carry 50 tons of cargo or 120 soldiers. A longship can make sea voyages. It moves about 3 miles per hour when being rowed or under sail.

See Also

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What Kind Of Ship Is Longship In Dmg 5e System

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